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Showing posts from January 13, 2017

Cleaning during cattle processing

Operators regularly washed their hands, knife sterilizers and hand wash stations are located at work stations or slaughter floors and in processing areas for this purpose. Hand basins provide a flow of hot water (35-43oC), the flow is controlled by thigh or pedal operated, however, microprocessor controlled units are also used. Knife sterilizers can be bowl type or spray types system.


The term casings refer to the intestinal tract of the animal or gut set. For pigs it consist of the stomach, large and small intestines, middle cap, bladder and bung, for cattle the casings consist of the stomach,, bladder, small intestine, large intestine, bung. Certain parts of the cassings can be proce ssed into a number of value added products, such as sausage skins, surgical sutures and strings for musical instruments and tennis rackets. Processing of casings involve desliming to remove the inner lining "mucosa" and washing. If casings are not processed into value added products, they are generally sent for rendering with or without prior washing.


In the manufacture of butter, cream is first separated from the milk by centrifuge or cream separator operating at about 6000rpm, which remove up to 99.5% of the fat from the milk.  The cream is neutralized to a pH of 6 . 8-7.2and then pasteurized , either by the holder method (30 mins at 70-73oC) or the HTST method (25 sec at 80-85oC).  The pasteurized cream can be stored overnight and cooled to 10oCbeore it is churned to obtain a better textured butter ..........................


The milk is placed in bulk milk storage tanks. The tanks are  refrigerated or at least are  constructed with a cold wall or bottom that chills the milk as it enters the tank through a pipe line directly from the milking machine.  The milk is agitated to keep it at a uniform temperature and prevent formation of layers of warmt in which bacterial can grow. The temperature could be 4oC or less or even near freezing point


The homologous chromosomes appear to repel each other and partially separate. Each chromosome is now seen to be composed of two chromatids. The two chromosomes are joined at several points along their lengths. these points are called chiasmata. This occurs as a result of breakage and reunion between any two of the four strands present at each site. Thus resulting in the swaping of genes from one chromosomes (paternal) with genes from the other chromosomes (maternal)  leading to new gene combination in the resulting chromatids.