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Showing posts from October 25, 2016

Importance of meiosis

It ensures that the fertilized egg has a diploid number of chromosomes therefore meiosis brings about the reduction of chromosomes to half the original number both in the male and female Random assortment of genes during meiosis leads to genetic variations amoung offsprings of the same parents. This is why no two individuals can look alike except identical twins Meiosis can lead to a marked gene change (mutation) which can also bring about variations among individuals. Available in our online bookstore  @ or


The glossy red fruits (which actually come in all kinds of colours including yellow and deep purple) are packed full of vitamins (A, C and E) one medium whole tomatoes contain around: 22 calories,  0g of fat,  5g of carbohydrates,  1g of dietary fibre,  1g of protein and  6mg of Sodium.  They are low in kilocalories with around 14 kilocalories per 100g, approximately one and a half classic tomatoes or five to six tomatoes. Available in our online bookstore @ Or

Tomatoes stewed

Tomatoes are often considered as a vegetable. They are versatile food. They are delicious when eaten raw in salads or sandwiches and take on a wonderful sweetness when cooked or stewed.  Their high acid content makes them a perfect tool for canning. Tomatoes are important part of Nigeria diet that it is hard to believe that they were once considered toxic. It was not until 1800s that they become a staple food in the US.  Available in our online bookstore @ Or

Definition of some Ecological terminologies

Ecology : The term ecology is derived from the Greek word okios meaning household and Logus meaning study. This is the study of interactions of organisms with their physical environment and with each other. It is a branch of ecology that studies plant and animal relationships with their surroundings. Environment : This refers to all the factors acting on an organism. OR the surroundings of an organism. Community : This is an association of plants and animals living together and affecting each other’s lives and distinguishable from other such associations. Biosphere : This is the part of the earth in which life exists. It stretches from 12-17km above the surface of the earth and about the same distance into the depth of the sea. Lithosphere : This is the solid crust of the earth. Available at the online bookstore Or

Biogas slurry

Biogas-slurry is a safe, organic, and nutrient-rich liquid fertiliser, which can be applied directly to crops to increase agricultural productivity. The use of biogas-slurry not only saves money otherwise spent on chemical fertilisers, but reduces the negative effects of such fertilisers on the environment. It is estimated that the application of biogas-slurry may increase productivity as much as 25% when compared to applying manure directly to fields. Biogas is energy rich and is well suited as a source of energy within many areas............................................... Available at the online bookstore Or


Biogas is produced by bacteria through the bio-degradation of organic material under anaerobic conditions. Natural generation of biogas is an important part of bio-geochemical carbon cycle. It can be used both in rural and urban areas. The composition of biogas and concentration (by component volume) includes: Methane (55-60%), Carbon (iv) Oxide (35-40%), water (2-7%), Hydrogen Sulphide (20-20,000ppm (2%)), Ammonia (0-0.05%), Nitrogen (0.2%), Oxygen (0.2%), Hydrogen (0-1%) General features of biogas are: Energy content 6-6.5KWh/m3 Fuel equivalent 0.6-0.65/oil/m3 biogas Explosion limits 6-12 % biogas in air Ignition temperature 650-750oC Critical temperature -82.5oC Critical pressure 75-89 bar Normal density 1.2 kg/m3 Smell Bad eggs Available at the online bookstore Or