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Showing posts from November 12, 2016


it is oval o r sperical in shape and bounded by a cell wall containing hemi-cellulose. At the anterior end, the wall projects and thickens to form a colourless papilla. It has two flagella which are used for locomotion. There is the contractile vacuole for osmoregulation. It posses a nucleus and a cup shaped chloroplast which contains chlorophyll. It has a pyrenoid which is used for production of starch. A red eye spot is embedded on the anterior border of the chloroplast which responds to light stimulus

Structure of RNA

It is single stranded, the sugar contains Oxygen. It is also called ribonucleic acid. The nitrogenous bases are not in pairs, they occur singly. RNA is found in the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm. The pyrimidine is Uracil instead of thymine. There are three types which are involved in the synthesis of protein molecules. They are : messenger RNA (mRNA),  transfer RNA  (tRNA),   ribosonal RNA (rRNA)

Structure of RNA

It is single stranded, the sugar contains Oxygen. It is also called ribonucleic acid. The nitrogenous bases are not in pairs, they occur singly. RNA is found in the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm. The pyrimidine is Uracil instead of thymine. There are three types which are involved in the synthesis of protein molecules. They are : messenger RNA (mRNA),  transfer RNA  (tRNA),   ribosonal RNA (rRNA)

Aerobic Respiration

This occurs in plants and animals cell. Oxygen is required. This type of respiration produces greater energy  (38ATP) per molecule of glucose. Carbon (iv) Oxide and water are produced  as the by products, sugar is completely oxidized.

Trending TRUMP

Yes Dont know why there are protests in USA right now because Donald Trump won, was it not americans that voted that man, or was the election rigged?, if they dont like him, why did they vote for him? Well there is no need for destruction of public properties because you guys voted for the "wrong" man. Give him a chance, who knows, he might surprise you guys, its just four years, very soon four years will be over and you guys will have another opportunity to make a change. Please stop the protests, stop the hate talk, move forward