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Showing posts from October, 2016

Nature watching

This book was born out of years of teaching ecology as a subject, it explains major ecological concepts, there are illustrations to help readers understand the various concepts, its highly simplified for easy understanding. The language is simple, you dont need a dictionary!! I recommend it to all lovers of the environment, if watching the environment is your hobby, or you are student of nature then this book is for you. This book is availร ble online at ( ) Or

Importance of meiosis

It ensures that the fertilized egg has a diploid number of chromosomes therefore meiosis brings about the reduction of chromosomes to half the original number both in the male and female Random assortment of genes during meiosis leads to genetic variations amoung offsprings of the same parents. This is why no two individuals can look alike except identical twins Meiosis can lead to a marked gene change (mutation) which can also bring about variations among individuals. Available in our online bookstore  @ or


The glossy red fruits (which actually come in all kinds of colours including yellow and deep purple) are packed full of vitamins (A, C and E) one medium whole tomatoes contain around: 22 calories,  0g of fat,  5g of carbohydrates,  1g of dietary fibre,  1g of protein and  6mg of Sodium.  They are low in kilocalories with around 14 kilocalories per 100g, approximately one and a half classic tomatoes or five to six tomatoes. Available in our online bookstore @ Or

Tomatoes stewed

Tomatoes are often considered as a vegetable. They are versatile food. They are delicious when eaten raw in salads or sandwiches and take on a wonderful sweetness when cooked or stewed.  Their high acid content makes them a perfect tool for canning. Tomatoes are important part of Nigeria diet that it is hard to believe that they were once considered toxic. It was not until 1800s that they become a staple food in the US.  Available in our online bookstore @ Or

Definition of some Ecological terminologies

Ecology : The term ecology is derived from the Greek word okios meaning household and Logus meaning study. This is the study of interactions of organisms with their physical environment and with each other. It is a branch of ecology that studies plant and animal relationships with their surroundings. Environment : This refers to all the factors acting on an organism. OR the surroundings of an organism. Community : This is an association of plants and animals living together and affecting each other’s lives and distinguishable from other such associations. Biosphere : This is the part of the earth in which life exists. It stretches from 12-17km above the surface of the earth and about the same distance into the depth of the sea. Lithosphere : This is the solid crust of the earth. Available at the online bookstore Or

Biogas slurry

Biogas-slurry is a safe, organic, and nutrient-rich liquid fertiliser, which can be applied directly to crops to increase agricultural productivity. The use of biogas-slurry not only saves money otherwise spent on chemical fertilisers, but reduces the negative effects of such fertilisers on the environment. It is estimated that the application of biogas-slurry may increase productivity as much as 25% when compared to applying manure directly to fields. Biogas is energy rich and is well suited as a source of energy within many areas............................................... Available at the online bookstore Or


Biogas is produced by bacteria through the bio-degradation of organic material under anaerobic conditions. Natural generation of biogas is an important part of bio-geochemical carbon cycle. It can be used both in rural and urban areas. The composition of biogas and concentration (by component volume) includes: Methane (55-60%), Carbon (iv) Oxide (35-40%), water (2-7%), Hydrogen Sulphide (20-20,000ppm (2%)), Ammonia (0-0.05%), Nitrogen (0.2%), Oxygen (0.2%), Hydrogen (0-1%) General features of biogas are: Energy content 6-6.5KWh/m3 Fuel equivalent 0.6-0.65/oil/m3 biogas Explosion limits 6-12 % biogas in air Ignition temperature 650-750oC Critical temperature -82.5oC Critical pressure 75-89 bar Normal density 1.2 kg/m3 Smell Bad eggs Available at the online bookstore Or

Problems in the rainforest

Available on the online bookstore @ or Problems of organisms living in the Rainforest region Problem of sunlight The forest floor recieves minimum amount of sunlight. Most of it is filtered off by the leaves of the tree. The amount of light reaching the forest floors depend upon the height of canopy, crown development of trees and age of trees,  thus in a forest, the matured tallest trees receives more insolation, under-shrubs receives subdued illuminations and ..............................

Biogas is easy to generate

Available on our online bookstore@ Or Generation of biogas Biogas can be generated by the breakdown of organic waste by bacteria in the absence of oxygen. This means no oxygen is required during the breakdown process. The bacteria is an anaerobe, which means it does not need oxygen to grow abd proliferate.  The medium of decomposition must be airtight. No oxygen should enter. Entrance of oxygen changes the breakdown process from anerobic to aerobic process, this will hinder methane production (the main constituent of biogas)..................... Continue reading from the book: Simple Technique for biogas Generation: Clean energy source 

Tacky foods ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Some food material that have been dehydrated exhibits thermoplasticity (the property of softening upon heating). A cellular food (plant and animal tissue) has structure and some rigidity, fruit or vegetables juices do not and are high in sugars and such that soften and melt at drying temperature. For example, if sugar syrup is dried in a pan, when the water is removed, the solids will be in a thermoplastic tacky condition that stick to the pan and are difficult to remove and with cooling, harden into a crystalline glass form........................................ Excerpts from the book, Basic principles of food  processing and preservation: Easy notes by Ukponmwan, Ifueko. Get it from the online store Or Available on our online bookstore

Porosity in food

It is a good drying style to create a state of porosity on the food material. This can be achieved by whipping or foaming a food liquid or puree prior to drying or by a vacuum drier by rapid escape of water vapour into high vacuum. The major advantage of this state of dried food is that there is quick reconstitution and greater volume appearance. While the drawback of this state is shorter stรฒrage ability due to increase surface exposure to air, light etc and also increase bulk ............................................... Excerpts from the book, Basic principles of food  processing and preservation: Easy notes by Ukponmwan, Ifueko.  Get it from the online store  ( )  or   Available on our online bookstore or

Drying oil in water emulsion

The drying curve varies according to the type of food and the kind of drier that is used, and also the way the food material also responds to temperature, humidity, air velocity and direction of air and thickness of food. Oil-in-water emulsion dries only quickly than water -in-oil emulsion. Case hardening is common with foods that contain dissolved sugars and other solutes in high temperature. As water leaves cells of the food, solutes are retained by cell membranes and air spaces in surface layers can act by capillary action whereby water caries solutes to the surface during drying and leaves them there. In some fruits, this can cause sticky sugary exudates on the surface, which shrinks and clogs pores leading to case hardening.................................................... Excerpts from the book, Basic principles of food  processing and preservation: Easy notes by Ukponmwan, Ifueko.  Get it from the online store

How to dehydrate

This book is available on the online bookstore, ( ) or Principles of dehydration There should be sufficient heat to vapourise and remove the liquid water from food. Foods should be dried rapidly but not so fast that the outside becomes hard before the moisture inside has a chance to evapourate The required latent heat of vapourization is 540Kcal/kg water and must be supplied to the water molecules in the food to volatilise them. Pre-treating some foods before drying preserves their colour and nutrients and prolong shelf life Drying should not be interrupted, once drying is started, dont stop or allow the food to cool down in order to start drying again later. Moulds and other spoilage organisms can grow on partly dried foods The foods should be uniformly dried by spreading thin layers of uniformly sized pieces of food on the drying racks.

Bacillus spp

Bacillus spp produces antifungal toxin call bacilin with which they fight fungi in the environment. There is stiff competition beween them for resources in the environment.  In this book you will discover how Bacillus spp are able to overcome fungi when they live together in the same medium. You wont believe how these organisms fight to survive. But only the toughest remain the environment. You can buy this book from our online store,   Or

Dragon fire of biogas

Combustion of biogas is not problematic. The gas is light and highly combustible and can be used on any burner. Its very safe. For indept step by step process visit our online store ( )  or  and order the book simple technique for biogas generation:clean energy source by Ukponmwan Ifueko Oghogho Available at our online bookstore@ ( )  or Available at our online bookstore@ ( )  or


Why biogas? Fossil fuels have been wrought with alot of demerits lately, pollution of the environment amongst other demerits, biogas is an alternative to fossil fuel. It is clean and renewable. The raw material needed for its generation are just items called waste, any organic material that is no longer useful finds use in the biogas process. It is simple and clean. Can be done on a small scale at home. This book explains it step by step. Get this book from the online book store, Or

Simple technique for biogas generatioรฑ

What is biogas? Biogas is a mixture of gases produced as anaerobic bacteria break down organic matter. It is a renewable gaseous fuel containing approximately 50-70% methane and 30-40% carbon dioxide. Biogas is produced as a by product from the decomposition of organic waste in landfills and anaerobic digesters that process agricultural waste and municipal waste water.  Biogas is produced by bacteria through the biodegration of organic material under anaerobic condition. Natural generation of biogas is an important part of biogeochemical carbon cycle. It can be used both in rural and urban areas. Anaerobic digestion of animal manure and other agricultural waste offers a number of additional benefits to farmers, including reduced air and water pollution, odor management, production of environmentally benign co-products including organic fertilizer and animal bedding material, new revenue streams such as sales of renewable natural gas and more environmentally friendly

Processing of animal products

Alot of products are derived from livestock, both edible and inedible, for this discourse, we look at the edible products. The edible products include,  milk, meat eggs. Milk processing Milk is the lacteal secretion from the mammary gland of females livestock. Although in modern days, milk can also be gotten from plants eg soybean milk, coconut milk. The milk from animals from cow, goat, buffallo etc. The milk is a very good vehicle for transmission of pathogens so milk handlers should exercise the utmost level of personal hygiene, the milk processing area should be sanitized. The milk handlers must be free from gastro-intestinal infections, no coughing, sneezing, diarrhoea etc. Note that the dairy animals are kept in hygienic condition, sick or animals receiving treatment should not be milk. The udders should be washed prior to milking in order to reduce the risk of contamination of the milk. Once milk is collected from the animals through a milking machine, the tempe


The word cell , comes from the latin word, ' cellula ' meaning a small room or a monk's tiny bare room. This descriptive name, was chosen by an English scientist Robert Hooke in the book he published in 1665, after he examined microscopically, cork tissue (a plant material) and saw that they contain neatly arranged little chambers. He compared this chambers to the room monk's lived in and he called them cells. In 1835, a french microscopic zoologist Felix Dujardin, examined a thin slice of animal tissue under much improved microscope and discovered that the cells have content (jelly like material). He named the cntent sarcode. In the same year, Czech experimental physiologist,  Johannes Evangelista Purkinje observed the presence of small granules while looking at the plant tissue through a microscope. Later in 1839, Purkinje named the content, protoplasm, Hugo Von Mohl a German botanist also in 1846 named it protoplasm. In 1838, Mathias Jakob  Schleiden, a germ


This is the quantity of heat that must be removed to reduce the temperature of the product from its initial temperature to the temerature consistent with good frozen food storage. The heat load is made up of three parts. Heat removed to cool the food from its initial temperature to its freezing point Heat that is removed to cause a state of change at freezing point Heat that is removed to lower the temperature of the frozen product to the specified storage temperatures.  Harvested foods carry field heat expecially in warm climate or hot climate. This heat is called the heat load of that food which needs to be removed in order to achieve low temperature storage of that food. For example carrots harvested at 37oC having that temperature needs to be stored at a temperature of 10oC, droping the temperature from 37 to 10 involves loss of heat, that heat is called the heat loadof carrot. This phenomenon is handy when designing low temperature storage system for harvested foo