I grew up having interest in livestock's. I love to raise animals for food and make money also. I started out by getting a diploma in animal health and production!!!!! Yay!!! I did not practice immediately. I needed money to start my farm so I looked for teaching job to raise some funds. Luckily for me I got funds to start the poultry farm but this became a problem, high cost of feeds which resulted in low profit margin!!! I stopped farming and went back to çlassroom.
I recently bumped into fish business idea, so as usual I decided to try it out. Am still in business.!!!!👏👏👏👍👍
Alot of products are derived from livestock, both edible and inedible, for this discourse, we look at the edible products. The edible products include, milk, meat eggs. Milk processing Milk is the lacteal secretion from the mammary gland of females livestock. Although in modern days, milk can also be gotten from plants eg soybean milk, coconut milk. The milk from animals from cow, goat, buffallo etc. The milk is a very good vehicle for transmission of pathogens so milk handlers should exercise the utmost level of personal hygiene, the milk processing area should be sanitized. The milk handlers must be free from gastro-intestinal infections, no coughing, sneezing, diarrhoea etc. Note that the dairy animals are kept in hygienic condition, sick or animals receiving treatment should not be milk. The udders should be washed prior to milking in order to reduce the risk of contamination of the milk. Once milk is collected from the animals through a milking machine, the t...
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