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Showing posts from October 5, 2016


This is the quantity of heat that must be removed to reduce the temperature of the product from its initial temperature to the temerature consistent with good frozen food storage. The heat load is made up of three parts. Heat removed to cool the food from its initial temperature to its freezing point Heat that is removed to cause a state of change at freezing point Heat that is removed to lower the temperature of the frozen product to the specified storage temperatures.  Harvested foods carry field heat expecially in warm climate or hot climate. This heat is called the heat load of that food which needs to be removed in order to achieve low temperature storage of that food. For example carrots harvested at 37oC having that temperature needs to be stored at a temperature of 10oC, droping the temperature from 37 to 10 involves loss of heat, that heat is called the heat loadof carrot. This phenomenon is handy when designing low temperature storage system for harvested...